Boggle and boggle like games cheat


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If you're tired of losing Boggle over and over, then read on! We're going to show you a real Boggle cheat that actually works - and I'll explain why some players seem to have superhuman Boggle skills. And if cheating isn't your thing, you can use this knowledge to improve your skills naturally. So let's dive in!

Since you're here already, I'll assume you already know what Boggle is. I won't bore you by describing the game or the rules - I'm not even going to talk about the basic tactics.

Like all popular word games, Mag Interactive's Boggle is simple to understand and difficult to master. And it's great fun too. It's this combination of simplicity and challenge that explains why it's so popular, even years after its original launch. Add the seamless social integration - which allows you to play against friends - and you can understand why so many people are addicted to it.

But even though it's such a fascinating game, it can also be infuriating. There's something about being forced to work against the clock that kills your concentration. Your confidence crumbles, and you miss obvious words.

It doesn't help if one of your friends beats you over and over again with apparent ease. If you've ever played Boggle with a "superhuman", you'll know what I'm talking about - it's like playing against a living dictionary. While you struggle to find words, they pump them out like some kind of machine.

Eventually, you feel crushed and helpless - and they gloat and laugh in your face!

How do they do it? Is it pure skill? Natural talent? Endless hours of practice? Or could it be an unfair advantage?

While some human beings are born with amazing mental powers, most of us aren't. You can accomplish a lot with dedicated practice, but most people are too lazy to go down that route. So your super-powered friend is probably not a real prodigy. It's much more likely that they're cheating.

So, how do you cheat at Boggle? It's not like an arcade game, where you can enter a cheat code and get infinite lives. In Boggle, you're playing against a real person to find words within a time limit - there's no secret code or hack that reduces your friend's IQ score. It's a "brain game", and you can't enter a cheat code into your brain.

Of course, performance-enhancing drugs exist - but is it worth risking the side effects just to win a friendly game? And even if your opponent is doped up to the eyeballs with the latest experimental drugs, they'll only gain a slight edge.

What's more, there's no real advantage to using a dictionary or a cheat book. Every Boggle round is randomly generated, and there are billions of possible combinations. So there's no reference that lists all the possible words.

So are Boggle cheats even possible?

I mentioned that you can't type a cheat code into your brain - but you can use technology to boost it. If that sounds scary, don't worry! You don't have to jam a microchip into your head.

I mean instead of letting your brain struggle to find the solution on its own, you can get some help from a digital device.

After all, computers are extremely good at finding hidden data. And they work thousands of times faster than the human brain. Playing Boggle is not a serious challenge for a machine.

The idea of using computers to cheat in word games is not new. Way back in the 1980s, there were handheld devices that could solve crosswords, boggle and scrabble. They looked like fancy calculators, with an LCD screen and a keyboard instead of numbers. They were small enough to fit in your pocket - which is pretty impressive for the time.

1980s computers were much less powerful than today's devices. For comparison, your mobile device is more powerful than an 80's supercomputer. So solving Boggle problems is a trivial task.

That means with the right Boggle solver software, you can find dozens of high scoring words in a split second. That's the idea behind Boggle Cheat (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/Boggle-cheat/id1355624161?mt=8). All you have to do is take a screenshot of the Boggle game, and Boggle Cheat will scan the image and find all the words. Then you can pick the top scoring words and beat your opponent!

It's much more effective than the web-based Boggle solvers - they work, but you have to manually copy the letter grid from your phone to the web page with the keyboard. These sites are just too slow to use during a real game!

The app is extremely easy to use, but are there any drawbacks?

Boggle Cheat is completely legal to use - you don't have to worry about the Boggle police kicking down your door and dragging you away to some underground dungeon. It doesn't hack or interact the original Boggle app (that's why it uses screenshots). It's fast, easy to use, and very effective.

Because it's a self-contained app, you don't have to do anything weird to your device - like jailbreak your phone!

Every app in the Apple store has to pass a detailed security test, with Apple engineers reading through the code to check it's 100% legit. So you don't have to worry about security issues with Boggle Cheat.

So the only question you have to answer is how do you feel about cheating at Boggle? As with most things in life, it's not a "black and white" question. There are definitely times when it's not OK to cheat - for instance if you were playing in some kind of Boggle tournament, competing for a cash prize.

Remember, "With great power comes great responsibility" - yes, it's a tired old phrase (from a comic book, no less!) But it contains a grain of truth. Boggle Cheat is certainly powerful. If you misuse that power, you could dominate all your friends and grind their confidence into the dirt. But you don't have to.

Instead, you can use it to give you an edge. You can use it now and then to bolster your confidence, or only use it if you get horribly stuck. Or you could only use it when you play against a serious cheater.

If you use it carefully, it can actually make you a better player. When you try hard to solve a problem, then you can learn a lot by looking at the solution - you learn to spot patterns and your skills improve. That's how people learn in school - the ones who apply themselves learn their lesson from the solution. The ones who just copy the answer learn nothing.

In other words, an app like Boggle cheat is just a tool. What's important is how you use it - if you abuse it, you can spoil the fun of the game. If you dominate your friends and act like a jerk, nobody will want to play with you. And you wouldn't really be playing the game at all - you'd just be watching the app play the game for you!

On the other hand, if you use it in moderation, it can add to the fun. It can reduce the stress and pressure of playing against the clock. And it makes you a better player.

At the end of the day, it's up to you how you use it. And just like any tool, you should always have it to hand just in case you need it.

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